Oslo Nordic Week 2024

We had an unforgettable week in Oslo, taking part in workshops, tours and celebrations in honor of the 100th anniversary of the patronage student association of law students at the University of Oslo (Jurist foreningen), called "Hoppe".

On the first day we were welcomed at the Juristforeningen and after that we went on a forest trip to a "hytte" (Nordic cabin trip) in Lommedalen, where we enjoyed the autumn with our friends from the northern countries. After the cabin tour, we enjoyed lectures from experts in maritime law, including from Rederiforbundet and Kogstad Lunde, who discussed, among other things, ship insurance and the fishing industry. The evening ended with the annual Cabaret Oktoberfest celebration, bringing together old and new friends in the historic setting of the university. On Friday, Thommessen gave a lecture on fishing and the fishing industry. The day ended with the elegant "Nordic Sittning", which is a seated meal according to the Nordic tradition. Guests were encouraged to wear clothes related to the topic of the week: Seafood. On Saturday, on "Hoppe's" birthday itself, we went to the auspicious "Staldthing", which is the annual celebration of law students at the university. Overall, the week was a unique mix of knowledge, joy with a great festive feel, where the focus was on seafood and the unique culture of the Nordic countries.

Nordic weeks are a wonderful and unique opportunity for law students to expand their network, meet distinguished lawyers and academics and people of other nationalities and form friendships that last a lifetime. The weeks are educational and the law students who attend them get the opportunity to get to know the diverse activities of the law firms and companies that are visited.